What is Ventas Pinpoint Search?

We ONLY connect you with hand-picked matches.

We Pinpoint recruit. Your candidates are carefully recruited, that is; hand-picked. Your new Executive, Employee or Consultant is thoughtfully selected based on their satisfying the qualities and expertise and culture fit you seek. Resist the status-quo of settling for candidates from a stagnant pool or an over-harvested database. Your recruiting needs are unique, and so should the search. We listen. Ventas Pinpoint Search provides a unique and personalized search. We actively seek out your candidate from the passive candidate pool. You deserve a search firm where the focus is fit from both sides of the table. 

We take the time to listen and understand your company culture.

It’s an art in itself to understand culture and environment. Understanding your unique vision, values and purpose in the marketplace, understanding your people and external stakeholders help us make a quality fit. We focus on understanding leadership style and structure. We sit down and take the time to listen and ask. It’s part of the relationship and focusing on filling your position.

We use a formula that works.

Commit to Listen:
Salespeople Talk–we would rather listen; we want to hear about your needs, your vision for the department or firm, what makes your firm unique. We want to hear your concerns and what is important for you in the search. Ventas will develop an understanding of your competitive landscape and establishing the compelling reasons for passive talent to join your firm.

Nurture Relationships:
Serving you and making your firm successful through filling your roles is important to us. Collaborating and communicating as dedicated partners in the search process is key to our mutual success. We are your partner, and will give you feedback throughout the recruiting process. Our priorities are different than the big box recruiters – Your long term satisfaction is more important to us than our fee.

Deliver qualified and culturally fit candidates to the prosperity employers:
This is a hyper competitive world, you need a hand-picked candidate, not the first available or most eager candidate. Fast fills often mean fast trouble. We Pinpoint recruit. The right cultural fit is as important as the right technical skills or industry experience. Finding a candidate with the right motives and drive; a candidate that is seeking meaningful change, rather than any change is how we fit candidates to prospective employers.